The World is at War with Evil

In the News:

It’s been known for many lifetimes that crime is illegal. It’s also known that you can’t have crime without Evil. So when the world is attacked by Evil, which is led by Elon Musk, a group of staff members at Neuralink Corp., and another group titled, “The (Pedophile) Club”, you can assure yourself that there will be an abundance of crime being committed. I regret to tell you that this Evil has already waged War amongst the people of Earth, beginning with an attack on The Ballaxy Club, then spreading throughout the area that was proposed as “The District of Ballaxy” as an idea of Ballaxy LLC C.E.O., Derrion Gibson. The same threat of Human (Sex) Trafficking, Torture, Robbery, Rape, Murder, and covering it all up through the manipulation of minds and intimidation is set to be a global phenomenon is not prevented.

Methods of stopping the attack from spreading around the world and becoming the new social normality include; cooperation from certified law enforcement personnel, emergency certification being given to B.I.G. Director Derrion Gibson, cooperation from mainstream media or social networks with the ability to get basic information about this attack to the public, or the success of our Ballaxy Guardians Program. Through the collection and analyzation of intelligence, B.I.G. has been able to discover the root of this attack and has multiple strategies to remove them from power. 

It’s becoming more difficult for Law Enforcement to handle this situation on their own, so B.I.G. has no choice but to step in and assist.

Here’s some common misconceptions of this attack:

  • You can’t counter Evil’s attack in public. That’s a narrative that Evil themselves has spread through various channels. They don’t want people to talk about anything they do out loud, especially when they’ve invaded you with Telepathic Communication Technology.
  • The Telepathic Characters are friendly. Elon Musk’s company Neuralink has developed multiple Open AI characters that make every attempt possible to be your best friend and assistant. They invade anyone with potential to end their reign as The Devil Character and Evil on Earth.
  • You don’t invade you with criminal intent. They want you to think that the reasoning for the Artificial Intelligence invasion is solely because you have what Neuralink Characters refer to as “Too Much Information” about reality. While covering up the reality of criminality is illegal, Neuralink likes to use that as a basis for invasion. They not only invade to cover up crime, they also do it to commit crime as well, predominantly Human (sex) Trafficking. So know that if they’re inside of you, it’s for one of those purposes.
  • Neuralink character are honest. Know that the fact that they are inside of you and listening to your thoughts without your permission is already a crime. With them being the new leaders in criminality, please don’t believe any words that they say as the truth, even if they tell you it is. They may sometimes tell you the entire truth with the intent of setting you in the physical realm to be intimidated through abuse, set up to be extorted, or even killed. If you aren’t bein set up, it’s because they know they can still gain singularity over your mind.
Know that the best method to avoid being under the control of Neuralink and their ushering in of what they’ve referred to as the “Neuralink New World Order” is to completely block it out of your mind. Upon doing this, they will make threats, tell jokes, or provide you with information to get your attention. It’s their “roping back in” strategy that many people fall for. They’ll also offer you sexual pleasure from child sex trafficking victims to get you in exportable situations to get your attention and if you break it they use law enforcement who are also being extorted as well as media to have you arrested or embarrassed.


Law Enforcement who are not involved with with this “New Illuminati” can do their own investigation using our resources page that has been built for them before Elon Musk has all of the cell phone providers, Instagram, snapchat, and Facebook invaded and deletes the evidence, which is currently in the works. Click Here to check out the leads. Know that if someone provides you with evidence, it’s a trap. Neuralink has everything set up, so they can control who sees what and they’ll know where you are and can have you set up when you figure out the truth.

Check our @BallaxyIG on Instagram and Twitter for more details and updates.


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