Elon Musk is known for being a pioneer of technological advancement having companies like Tesla, Neuralink, Open AI, and his newest company xAI, which was created to publicly rival Open AI after it was claimed that he left the company due to disagreements with the Open AI CEO and board.
The problem with that narrative is that, as seen in the invasion of Ballaxy Club President Derrion Gibson’s life, Elon Musk doesn’t normally leave when he’s not wanted. Derrion was told by Elon’s gang, “You can’t say you don’t want Elon Musk in your life” as the invasion of Ballaxy, the depletion of resources, and enslavement of Ballaxy Club members continued. Who would think that it would be any different for Elon if the situation involved a company which he was already a part of and had ownership in. Also, Elon Musk has bragged about OpenAI’s ChatGPT on Twitter in a post where he talks about using it to spread propaganda (seen below). Why would he brag about or promote something he claims to be building a rival for?
In another tweet about his attack on mainstream media, Elon Musk claims that ChatGPT has taken over what he refers to as being propaganda.
If Elon Musk is telling us that Artificial Intelligence is spreading propaganda, how do we know that it’s other uses will have the safety of the Human race in mind? Before separating from OpenAI, through Neuralink’s Computer Brain Interface being input into the minds of Ballaxy Club Members, it was being used to lure children into vehicles where they would be subjected to physical and sexual abuse, as well as control view of the reality of them and Ballaxy being attacked. Elon Musk refers to Artificial Intelligence having control of The human mind as Singularity, something he and Neuralink plan on “ushering in” around the world.
Here’s a tweet Elon Musk posted detailing him using mind controlled (avatar style) to get a little girl to sit in his lap. This is the same system he’s using for his venture into the Human Trafficking Industry.
Elon claims that xAi will be “pro-humanity”. But outside of the sinister prediction that he attributes to everyone else, he often speaks using a reverse narrative of his intentions as seen through the Human (Extortion and Child Sex) Trafficking Ring that’s he’s using to cover up enslaving Ballaxy President Derrion and Ballaxy Club Members. Everyone trapped in the ring are forced to spread a reversed narrative of Derrion being a fraud who had nothing and was unintelligent while Elon has Neuralink spread all of Derrion’s knowledge claiming it’s their own.
With the Neuralink’s Computer Brain Interface being something that Elon Musk wants to spread around the world, there are many dangers to Artificial Intelligence outside of those he speaks about. For example, Derrion has had his mind uploaded into a cloud and redistributed for profit and influence. With this happening to him and Elon saying that xAI will be “on exploring a maximally curious AI, one that is trying to understand the universe”, who knows what other minds Elon Musk will have Artificial Intelligence explore and exploit.
Check out this article by Futurism that talks about a warning from Experts on Elon Musk and Neuralink’s Computer Brain Interface being used to take over the human mind. https://futurism.com/the-byte/bci-singularity-philosophers
Elon Musk Claims that xAI is “Pro-humanity” at the same time, outside of his predictions of of disaster that accredits to everyone else doing, he often speaks in a reverse narrative of his intentions. A good example of this is with the Human (Extortion and Child Sex) Trafficking Ring he started using kids enslaved out of The Ballaxy Club and social following as well as police officers and investigators that were recruited to help out with the robbery of the Ballaxy Brand and enslavement of Derrion Gibson. The entire ring, which is controlled by Neuralink through their Computer Brain Interface and the same artificial intelligence spoke of above spreads a reverse narrative of the entire situation to help prevent Derrion and everyone else from getting free. Derrion’s knowledge and trade secrets are spread throughout the ring behind the scenes, while an image of him not having anything when Elon Musk and Neuralink arrived and him being unintelligent is spread publicly.
Elon Musk’s “ruthless” (having or showing no pity or compassion for others) attack on Ballaxy, it’s members, it’s supporters, and it’s president could be one that others have to watch out for if you have something that Elon Musk wants. With him and OpenAI spreading the presence of Artificial Intelligence throughout governments and companies belonging to other people, who’s to say he isn’t trying to complete an Evil World Domination plan.
Here’s a tweet where Elon Musk claims that Artificial Intelligence is in the hands of a ruthless Corporate Monopoly, while saying “it will be fine”.
Law Enforcement who are not involved with with this “New Illuminati” can do their own investigation using our resources page that has been built for them before Elon Musk has all of the cell phone providers, Instagram, snapchat, and Facebook invaded and deletes the evidence, which is currently in the works. Click Here to check out the leads. Know that if someone provides you with evidence, it’s a trap. Neuralink has everything set up, so they can control who sees what and they’ll know where you are and can have you set up when you figure out the truth.
Check our @BallaxyIG on Instagram and Twitter for more details and updates.
Want to support the War of Elon Musk and friends vs. The people of earth, check out https://donate.ballaxy.club
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