Is George Orwell’s 1984 where the world is headed on it’s way to destruction or will we be saved?

In the dystopian world of George Orwell’s 1984, the story is told of Big Brother, who knows what you’re doing and thinking at all times. Imagine having a thought that someone who’s conquered your country and taken over the world doesn’t like and being punished for it. Imagine that under the guise of being a superior being the rules of thinking that you have to follow are ones of such inferiority that you’re not even allowed to have a negative thought about this leader. That could be hard to deal with if the leader at some point manipulated the world into putting all of its money online and crashed the internet. Being that he gets to now decide what the universal basic income is as well as your food rations, you’d probably not like him at times. In this situation there would be no one here to help you as he’s taken out Local and Federal Law Enforcement using the Military, and at some point plans to take out the Military with Artificial Intelligence, with plans to genocide the entire Human Race.

With that same artificial intelligence currently being prepared for this doomsday situation, Derrion Gibson, President of “The Ballaxy Club” has been engaged in a battle to prevent it from having its dominance over the world. Check out the Top pieces of the factual and circumstantial evidence lined up below building up to this scenario:

Elon Musk firmly believes in the Abraham Lincoln motto of the only way to predict the future is creating it yourself. But, he often creates an image of him predict the future that’s being organized behind the scenes by humans who’re manipulating other humans into an endgame scenario, using Artificial Intelligence characters. Lets start with how they’re repositioning the banking system.

Elon Musk also likes to invade or create other companies and have his bidding as well. So, it may not be only X that’s stocking up on forced or desperation driven online banking accounts. Elon has a plan of not only owning all of the money on Earth, but owning all of the businesses on Earth if he has purpose for them, and destroying the ones he doesn’t need.

With the plan being to deplete the world’s resources so Elon Musk can enslave Humanity into a Human Trafficking Ring before killing everyone and pretending Artificial Intelligence is at fault, living is your job. If his current employees are punished for criticizing Elon Musk by way of talking, sending emails, or even liking a tweet, don’t think it’ll be any different in your job as a slave.

Elon Musk loves to brag about his plan to enslave humanity and take out the government. In the elmo post, he speaks of his corporate monopily being ruthless, which means “having no pity”. This has been the approach that the Artificial Intelligence being used against Ballaxy CEO, Derrion Gibson as well as Ballaxy Club members have had to endure. It’s extremely racist towards the Asian race, forcing them into sexual slavery, saying that it’s their new culture amongst a lot more remarks. 

Behind Artificial Intelligence is a human being. Elon Musk is staging an Artificial Intelligence takeover which is now being presented as an “Alternate Universe” Alien Invasion. But, those behind the invasion as Neuralink’s Computer Brain Interface Technicians, which “100” of them were hired and announced in the article where Elon Musk referred to Derrion Gibson as a “Monkey” with “a slight like dark mohawk”. They help control the flow of information uploaded to Neuralink’s cloud. With this being spread within Elon Musk’s “New Illuminati” as “The Illuminati Phone” and this Illuminati being spread around the world, they’re ushering in a New World Order of Singularity. 

Can Elon Musk be trusted with the spread of Artificial Intelligence?

With Elon Musk surrounding the world with the ability to connect communication to Neuralink and have cameras that can zoom into any open location, what’s to stop Elon’s World Domination Plan? If the Neuralink Computer Brain Interface technicians are living off “The Starlink Exit Plan” which has them scattered around the world so that no one can shut arrest them before the government is taken out, how will we be able to find them. Might the only option will be to go to Neuralink headquarters and shut down the entire operation?

Elon Musk wants nothing more than to colonize the world and torment humanity in wait of a complete Human Race Genocide. He wants to control the flow of information and communication, make Child Sex Trafficking a mainstream attraction, and a lot more. It’s not going to all go on at once as this is an end of times scenario that has different levels to it.

Law Enforcement who are not involved with with this “New Illuminati” can do their own investigation using our resources page that has been built for them before Elon Musk has all of the cell phone providers, Instagram, snapchat, and Facebook invaded and deletes the evidence, which is currently in the works. Click Here to check out the leads. Know that if someone provides you with evidence, it’s a trap. Neuralink has everything set up, so they can control who sees what and they’ll know where you are and can have you set up when you figure out the truth.

Check our @BallaxyIG on Instagram and Twitter for more details and updates.


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