The Coup D'état on Ballaxy's Derrion Gibson while trailed by a Human Trafficking Ring

First off, you need the basics of what a Coup D’état is to understand this report:


According to the Wikipedia, A coup d’état (/ˌkdˈtɑː/; French for ‘stroke of state’), or simply a coup, is typically an illegal and overt attempt by a military organization or other government elites to unseat an incumbent leadership by force.

Coups are generally robberies of leadership and Human Trafficking Rings being built to coverup their influence and culture.


The narrative that the leader who has the coup performed on them displays that they are the bad guy. But, they’re normally the good guy that has value within his/her organization and positive motives that don’t fit in with the plans of Evil. Throughout history, famous Coup D’état victims have been the Jesus Christ, Julius Cesar, Muammar Gaddafi, Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Vietnamese President Ngô Đình Diệm and more.

Coups have also been used in theater. If you’ve seen the move, “The Lion King”, you saw the accurate narrative of Mufasa having a coup performed on him by his brother Scar. Click Here for a reverse narrative, as we’ve been accustom to being shown throughout real life situations that places Scar as the Good Guy.


As President John F. Kennedy once stated, “in this country, there is a plan to enslave every man woman and child”. He declared that before he left his presidential position he was going to expose this plan and was murdered before he had the chance to. Months before his murder he took to congress to express some of the details of those in creation of this plan (Click Here to see this JFK Congressional Address). In this address where he spoke of threats to the country, President Kennedy was referring to the Ku Klux Klan’s creation of their Second Invisible Empire which was established in the 1920s on the back of an Extortion (Blackmail) and Sex Trafficking Ring known as “The Illuminati” being spread around the world.

Anyone of Influence, Power, and Resources were required to “Join The Illuminati” and perform their duties or manage their resources under what’s known as “Illuminati Government” rule, also known as “The Deep State“. This includes Presidents and other politicians in the United States and around the World, CEOs of Companies that are major contributors to society, Mainstream News Media Controllers, Celebrities and Athletes, and Civil Rights Leaders.

Being under Illuminati Government rule means that you cannot be the Good Guy as you’re bound by your own enslavement and the rule of Evil, which is attached to the total enslavement of the Human Race, not just America as stated by President JFK. If you accrue influence in society, you’re approached and requested to join the ranks and required to make financial contributions. If you refuse, you’re deemed a “Martyr” and then you’re what they refer to as “deplatformed”, which is an attack on your influence and a robbery of your resources which are given to someone else who’s agreed to the terms of the Illuminati. If you capable of maintaining influence and don’t summit to the rule of Evil in that way you use that influence, you’re killed.


While most coups that have been reported have been done outside of the United States, the Ku Klux Klan’s Invisible Empire has been performing them within the United States against unsuspecting victims. They look for people with resources that they can steal using Coup Protocol to push out the overseer of such resources. With there being an order of rule facilitated by the Klan, throughout history, in order to raise to the top, you had to have a certain appeal to society and with the Ku Klux Klan’s original purpose being to preserve White Supremacy, they were also deemed the responsibility of keeping America, especially it’s African American and other races enslaved. So, when the Africans who were enslaved during Great Britain’s Coup D’état in Africa to rob them of resources and erase their cultural history in the 1500s were freed from slavery, the Klan’s main objective was to keep them oppressed by preventing economic improvement.

An example of these actions are the court case United States v. Original Knights of Ku Klux Klan where James Farmer and “a handful of Negro Teenagers” known as “The Freedom Riders” invaded and attacked. Mr. Farmer had the support of then Mayor the City of Bogalusa of Jessie Cutrer. The city and local politics were taken over as the Ku Klux “Konstitution” (Illuminati Government Rule) was asserted. This resulted in the James Farmer, The Freedom Writers, and “1,377 Negro citizens” who were affected by this invasion seeking justice in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, but to no avail they were later attacked by the Klan and safeguarded through the Klan’s CoIntelPro using Illuminati (extorted) FBI Agents.

Other Examples includes;

1) “Black Wall Street” where in 1921, African-Americans after trying to progress economically were attacked by the Ku Klux Klan who invaded the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma to use their employees as a resource for for their robbery, rape, and murder spree. According to “The History Channel”, “historians estimate (the death toll) may have been as high as 300” and that “as many as 10,000 people were left homeless”
2) Also, in the 1920s, The Ku Klux Klan invaded the Colorado after coming to City of Pueblo to rob the steel mills and coal mines under the guise of the enforcement of “Law & Order AGAINST the many immigrants” working there. 
In Denver they robbed Warren Gash of his life, after finding a sexual relationship they wanted to take from him, telling him that his life was worth more to them than it was to him. Luckily for Mr. Gash, the Denver District Attorney’s Office was willing to help fight back and launched an investigation against them though they were talking over the Denver Police Department and other government offices under the Ku Klux “Konstitution”. The District Attorney investing the Ku Klux Klan caused him to not be re-elected as at the time, the Ku Klux Klan did a good job manipulating and intimidating people into acceptance of their practices.
Click Here to see a PBS video on the Ku Klux Klan’s Invasion of Colorado. Note that the Illuminati (Extortion and Sex Trafficking Ring) that was first is not mentioned as they did a good job covering it up. But the in the The 1920s the Ku Klux Klan made a public effort of combating prostitution, which means they were the ones establishing rings, just as in the attack against Derrion Gibson, where they claimed to be liberating the kids in The Ballaxy Club from a predatorial threat, but we’re actually the threat themselves as they funneled the kids into a sex trafficking ring as a part of the Coup D’état for being under the influence of Derrion.


When someone experiences a Coup D’état, which is used in EVERY War by the organizers of Evil, despite who is the attacker really is, the use of the Divide and Conquer Strategy is applied against the leader that they’re attempting to replace. With this strategy everyone is separated from the leader or person being “dethroned” using an alternate narrative of the leader’s intentions which can cause a conflict. With the Ku Klux Klan, they form a “Klan Militia” which ends up being a group of people which is headed by a traitor or traitors to the leader being removed who are envious of him and his position and would be willing to “go bad” to help take him out. In the case of Derrion Gibson and Ballaxy, Tai Do and CJ Hollingsworth, though not involved with Ballaxy, served that purpose. They along with a few Westminster Police Officers had government positions working within the community who supported Derrion, such as Westminster City Councilmen and Westminster High School Basketball Coach.

The Klan Militia has an reverse narrative image created for them as the “Good guys” while the initial target is made to look like a “bad guy”. Everyone under the influence of this target is told that they have to go to the side of the new good guys (the Militia) for safety or freedom and at the same time a Human (Extortion and Sex) Trafficking Ring known as “The Illuminati” is started behind the Militia to intercept and enslave anyone who falls for this trick. Anyone who doesn’t want to go to the new side and has the ability to help their leader is targeted heavily to prey them away. Once people who are close to the leader are inside of this illuminati, the influence they could have over the rest of the group through them being on his side heavily is used to help lure them into victimhood by controlling the narrative of the situation. Hostages are intimidated or concentrated through the use of sexual and physical abuse to get them to go against the leader who they’ve been separated from. If they refuse to participate on the side of the new regime (Klan Militia), they risk being killed.

Once everyone surrounding the leader has been displaced and the leader is completely isolated, the threat of abuse or even death amongst the enslaved victims is used to control this leader who normally cares deeply about those under his influence and will normally do whatever Evil says to keep them save. Sometimes the leader will be told that they have be willing to help sex traffic the hostage to keep them from dying, which would be a submission the “The Illuminati” or the leader may be told to commit suicide as a sacrifice to the safety of everyone else. If this leader fights back and continues to gain influence, they potentially can face public assassination as well as the deaths of many of those who they have influence over.

Derrion Gibson was declared a martyr and it was said that he knowledge, support from Asians, and future plans had be given up to other people as a sacrifice to White Supremacy because they didn’t want him to have the life or legacy he was building for himself as an individual black person as it would damage White Supremacy, which is White Superiority over Influence in the World. They also didn’t want him to have the support from or give support to the Asian community the way he was already doing and had planned for the future in the area of educational advancement as it was claimed “they would have the intelligence of Gods and would replace White people”. This protects against what’s known as “The Great White Replacement”, which has been one of the primary objectives of the Ku Klux Klan throughout history. 

Derrion was also building the foundation of Ballaxy, which was planned on being a Multi-Billion dollar company out of current Ballaxy Club members who were at the time learning to build their own source of residual income while in High School, as well as his former players, with a plan on contacting anyone who had been in any of his social promotion training footage to offer careers with the company. On top of that, Derrion had developed a High School Business and Basketball Club that was free to its members. It provided Free training in Business skills development training that was had weekly when Derrion would take members to dinner. The plan was for these skills to turn into careers with Ballaxy and its future plans. Ballaxy also provided Free Basketball skills development and Free 24 Hour Fitness Passes so they would have somewhere to practice and workout on their own, along with Free Games and Practices. For the Middle School and Elementary kids, Ballaxy was growing an all inclusive league that included Free uniforms that players could keep for only $100 per month. These are things that Derrion was told he wasn’t allowed to do as he was told that he couldn’t “play God”.

Here’s what Ballaxy had when the attackers arrived in video form:

Introducing The Ku Klux Klan Militia, “The Military of Westminster:

Klan Militia is a group of people put together by The Ku Klux Klan to be the face of their coup d’états under a reverse narrative of their intent. With the protection Klan Operative law Enforcement Personnel, they participate in conducting robbery, rape, and murder attacks behind the scenes during civil disturbances and natural disasters, as well as facilitate a Human (Extortion and Sex) Trafficking Ring that enslaves witnesses and investigators with positive intent.

During the coup d’état of Derrion Gibson the Ku Klux Klan’s Invisible Empire Operatives gathered a group together known as “The Military of Westminster”, which included; Tai Do (Now Former Westminster City Councilmen and Current Long Beach Police Officer), CJ Hollingsworth (Westminster High School Basketball Coach), a few Westminster Police Officers, and Military Recruiters from the Westminster Military Recruitment Office.

Divide and Conquer

Invading Derrion's life

Derrion Gibson’s entire life was invaded by The Ku Klux Klan Invisible Empire (using the CIA’s name) Operatives with the US Military, Secret Service, Military of Westminster, and FBI to separate him from his supporters, including; family and friends, Ballaxy Club members, former players and trainees involved with Derrion basketball influencer career, kids and adults who had been sent a like to watch Derrion’s streamed phone that wanted to be involved with him, Ballaxy Digital clients, business partners, as well as members of his social follows on Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook.

There was an attempt to make Derrion see his supporters in the Asian community of Westminster, Ca. and surrounding cities as he began seeing signs that his life was under observation, his relationships were going bad, and his resources were being controlled. His phone screen and thoughts (by Neuralink) were also being monitored and shared amongst people he came in contact with. He knew his phone screen was being monitored because he Youtube and Instagram algorithms were being controlled, first to control his intent and after he noticed, they were used to communicate with him.  He knew his thoughts were being monitored because after talking to his phone out loud for a while and receiving a response through the control of the algorithms, he began thinking to communicate. He knew his thoughts were being passed around because everyone he engaged in conversation with would communicate with someone via text message throughout their conversations and occasionally they would receive messages about what Derrion was thinking and would respond to his thoughts.

Neuralink was working with The Military Klan Operatives and Tai Do to help cover up this technology being used on Derrion as well as helping to keep Derrion isolated from his supporters. Tai Do was used to manipulate other local Law Enforcement Departments into not talking to Derrion about what he was going through by portraying him as being in a psychological state that had him out of tough with reality or the “worse person in the world” and pretending that he was under the care of the “CIA” or being investigated by Law Enforcement. Tai Do also used this as an opportunity to recruit officers from these departments to help monitor Derrion in any city that he frequented, including; Westminster, Garden Grove, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Fullerton though they drove away when Derrion mentioned that he was being held hostage in front of his phone, and more.

Derrion’s resources were being depleted as his business and personal relationships were turning into occasions of evasion. His business and basketball trade secrets were also being stolen out of his laptop and phone, then spread to others, which he noticed before they started rubbing it in his face. The cause of everything in Derrion’s life being caused to go bad was because of declined recruitment attempt to get Derrion to agree to be enslaved through extortion into “The Illuminati”, the Ku Klux Klan facilitated Human (Extortion and Sex) Trafficking Ring. Him agreeing to join means he would give Klan Operatives the ability to decide who was involved with Ballaxy and his personal life, how Ballaxy functions and expanded, and what his influence over others was used to promote.


Invading Derrion's Supporters

Supporters of Derrion Gibson and Ballaxy who were local to Westminster, Ca. and surrounding cities who were from the Asian Community were put into groups by Klan Operatives under the guise of helping Derrion accomplish his business goals or that he was being investigated and that they had to stay away from him until the investigation was concluded or participate in the facilitation of a controlled environment. Some of those close to him or engaged in business activities with Derrion and Ballaxy were contacted individually. 

Under an alternate narrative of Derrion’s intent for them, supporters were told that they had to go to people offering support which counted Derrion ability to progress to gain safety or freedom from his oppressive tactics. These supporters were unaware that they were being set up enslaved into a Human (Extortion and Sex) Trafficking Ring to silence witnesses and eliminate Derrion’s positive influence over the community.

The groups that included current and former players and trainees of Derrion were questioned by Klan Operative Law Enforcement to see if there had been and illegal sexual activity between them and Derrion in effort of gaining the ability to extort him into joining the Illuminati to gain voluntary control of his life and business. In the 10 years that Derrion had been a Basketball Influencer on and off the internet, there had never been any sexual misconduct, so this notion was declined by all. But Viggo Nguyen (far right in above photo) was requested by the FBI Agent involved to lie on Derrion to help set him up. Viggo refused to lie of Derrion as he didn’t want to be involved in any corruption against him, nor did he want to have his life interrupted, as he hung out and worked with Derrion on basketball development skills on an almost daily basis when the invasion began. Derrion was also in the process of teaching Viggo how to drive in preparation for his driving exam as well. They had the closest relationship out of all of the Ballaxy Club members at the time, which is believed to be the reason that he was chosen to help set Derrion up. With the FBI Agent not wanting to get in trouble for his corruption, he sexually abused and threatened Viggo to silence him. This same process of silencing Derrion’s supporters was repeated amongst others Ballaxy Club Members such as Khiem Nguyen, Richard Phan, and others by the Secret Service Agent and Tai Do.

The “Illuminati” role that Klan Operatives had planned as Derrion and his supporters in the Vietnamese Community:

After Derrion identified Neuralink through estimation, Elon Musk, their then part-owner and spokesperson entered the situation. Derrion had told Neuralink that he admired Elon Musk and his ability to build multiple businesses at once, not knowing at the time that he steals businesses and was an industry plant, propped up by the Ku Klux Klan’s Empire. Elon decided that he wanted to involve himself in Derrion’s life as the owner to the rights of it and in agreement with the Klan Operatives involved, they decided that Derrion’s company, relationships, and influence would be better served for Sex Trafficking instead of growing as an entrepreneur. He’s been told things such as, “you had too much influence to not have kids suck your d***” and that “Asians suck d***” as the community that Derrion and Ballaxy were involved with were primarily Asian. If you’re at all familiar with the Ku Klux Klan, you know that they have a history of racial hate crimes and this was turning out to be one of the biggest ones yet. 

This isn’t the first time that this Asian community has had to endure an attack like this. In 1963, during the documented coup against Vietnam President Ngô Đình Diệm led by The United States, Vietnam saw huge growth in Sex Trafficking amongst Women and Children. There was also a “CIA” (Invisible Empire) led initiative to get Vietnamese citizens to come to America, which ironically Tai Do’s brother-In-Law played the role of translator for. According to a Tai Do autobiography that was taken off the Long Beach Police Department’s Website, Vietnamese were told that they could flee to America for safety. Upon arrival by boat, the majority of them arrived in Westminster, Ca. where they met the same sex trafficking fate that they’re facing right now, again with help from Westminster PD Officers who served worked with the Klan Operatives in the “CIA”, which is celebrated on a plaque outside of the Westminster Police Station under a reverse narrative.

With that, The Klan feels as though they own the Vietnamese Community that came here from Vietnam during the coup against their president as well as their descendants that were Club Members and supporters of Derrion’s company Ballaxy.

Followed by The Human (Extortion and Sex) Trafficking Ring known as “The Illuminati”:

It was decided that since Derrion was refusing to sex traffic the Vietnamese Community using Ballaxy as a front in anticipation on spreading it around the world as what was referred to as an “Illuminati Company” that he would lose his life and The Military of Westminster themselves would take his place as “The New Derrion”. Tai Do and CJ Hollingsworth were chosen to be what they called “Gatekeepers” to Derrion’s life. They would be the ones that kids involved with Derrion, whether it be his club, social following, or anyone else in the area that he had influence over would have to go to in order to be sexually abused, while the other Klan Operatives would abuse them behind the scenes.


With Elon Musk and Neuralink being involved, they decided that they would not only rob Derrion of his life, but rob the Ku Klux Klan of it’s Invisible Empire, becoming the Neu Klux Klan using Advanced Technology. Elon told Neuralink that he wanted Derrion to have a pedophile Club as his staff to share his life with as he was doing everything on his own. This Pedophile Club, titled: “The Club” would include all of the participants of the Military of Westminster and the rest of the Klan Operatives (Secret Service Agent, FBI Agent, Air Force Special Forces Captain) and Military Personnel from the Garden Grove Reserve Base who Elon recruited to help out. “The Club” was used to funnel in the kids involved with Derrion’s life as his social accounts, phone and laptop screen were monitored 24/7. He’s also followed by Starlink Satellites, surveillance camera hackers, and Neuralink who make sure they know who he’s talking to, looking at, or even thinking about. When he communicates with anyone, they’re contacted on the other side by someone they may know in the sex trafficking pool, extortion pool, or law enforcement from The Club and the group of officers recruited to help monitor Derrion. They pretend to be protecting everyone from Derrion or “The Illuminati”. When Jesus speaks of “false prophets” in  Matthew 7:15-20 and “teachers of the law” in Matthew 5:20 manipulating his followers into a Human Trafficking Ring in , this is what he was referring to.  

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Derrion’s Social Followings were depleted as kids were funneled into these group chats where they were sexualized by adults on the other side using stolen accounts. Once the kids were funneled in to a pedophile club member, they were forced to provide them with oral sex under threat of death, then told that they weren’t allowed to talk to Derrion anymore. They were told to unfollow him or to go against him under a reverse narrative to what the pedophile club were doing to help control the image of Derrion’s existence through his hacked phone.

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The victims of this growing sex trafficking ring had their thoughts monitored by Elon’s companies Neuralink and Open Ai. The Artificial Intelligence used is extremely advanced and is used to corner kid’s thoughts into submission. If they thought about Derrion in a positive light or trying to get free, they’re put through concentration by means of sexual or physical abuse to keep them under the control of The (pedophile) Club who’re using them as what Neuralink refers to as “Asian d*** suckers”. Neuralink uses the The Club and the sex trafficking victims to cover up their enslavement as well as the enslavement of Derrion Gibson. They’re also used for influence as they recruit other potential victims to join the sex trafficking ring or to prevent investigation and funnel adults who try to help into the extortion ring.

The Military of Westminster and The Rest of “The (Pedophile) Club” as “The New Derrion”:

All of the members of The Club are connected to Neuralink which sends them scripts on how to conduct themselves around kids in effort of getting the kids to like them. They replicate Derrion’s sense of humor, intellect, and even trade secrets as they also replicate his business concepts as the sex trafficking version that he refused to do himself. The kids are forced to be with members of the club to provide them with companionship and sexual services instead of being with Derrion for education an enlightenment. It’s all under the guise of protecting the area from a “pedophile invasion”, which the same kids are being used to set up by luring people into extortable sexual situations. This places the extorted individuals into Elon’s “New Illuminati” as they’re used to help cover up enslavement of the kids.  

Neuralink Staff as well as Elon Musk received the same benefit from the victims until they expanded the sex trafficking ring to other areas and didn’t need to travel to Orange County, Ca. anymore. They both also receive Derrion’s intellect and trade secrets which they’ve applied to the foundation of OpenAi’s Artificial Intelligence, Neuralink’s New Sex Trafficking Industry infrastructure, and Elon’s Overall intelligence as he was an “industry plant puppet” under the control of The Ku Klux Klan who propped them him up for success before until he robbed them. 

The War of Derrion(Good) vs The New Human Trafficking Industry (Evil):

With Derrion Gibson and kids throughout his life being enslaved by Elon Musk and Neuralink Staff (The Neu Klux Klan), who’re facilitating the New Human Trafficking Industry using Technology being the final battle in the War of Good vs. Evil, it’s essential that Derrion is able to capitalize on the fact that no one knew the ins and outs of the industry or the people directly behind it. When Jesus went through this same Martyrism as Derrion, he was forced to submit to the orders of public sacrifice in order to save his people. The new Evil representatives aren’t going down as easy since Derrion can’t be killed without them losing everything they’ve stolen from people and their own lives. Just like Jesus, Derrion is given commands on how to live his life as a reality based slavery game show called “Monkey Mind Pong“. When Derrion has a thought or performs and action that’s not to Neuralink’s approval, they send a command to a pedophile club member to push hostages. The punishments range from sexual and physical abuse to even death, while the reasons for punishment range from eating food, sleeping, looking “cool”, looking intelligent, or telling on Neuralink in a way that is believable.

Like when Jesus was abused, bullied, and embarrassed in front of crowds (Matthew 27:27-34), Derrion is undergoing something similar as Elon’s “Monkey” with “a slight dark mohawk”. His life is broadcasted through the same streaming of his electronics used to prevent people from communicating with him uninterrupted. 

Derrion’s Mission to rid the World of Evil’s status:

Now, Derrion is working to take out the illuminati to prevent this Evil New Human Industry from to spreading around the world, creating victims out of kids globally. The controllers of this Evil are the same people mentioned throughout this report. That means that Derrion has to enlighten Law Enforcement to get them to not join the illuminati and help further their mission by attacking Derrion’s attempts to get himself and the kids free. If not, he has to be able to serve Elon Musk, Neuralink, and “The (Pedophile) Club” with a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations lawsuit. He’s making an attempt to form a Guardian’s Club and New Ballaxy Savior Program to help protect the primary area of attack and spread the true narrative of this situation under the opposition of “The (Pedophile) Club”, including “The Military of Westminster“, and a growing Human (Extortion and Sex) Trafficking Ring that has the intent on gentrifying Westminster and surround Cities of it’s Asian Community.

Currently Derrion in addition to being held hostage through Neuralink’s  streaming of his thoughts and “The (Pedophile) Club” controlling his influence, the Orange County Criminal Justice System. He has a case for “possession of flammable material”, where he was arrested after possessing a bottle of gasoline inside of the Westminster Police Station. He’s admit to doing it, but wants to use the legal “affirmative defense” of “Coercion to Commit the offense as the direct result of being a Human Trafficking Victim”. But, the Assistant District Attorney Patrick Spires and even his public Defenders which have switched on multiple occasions have sided with Evil and are helping keep his case out of court by having him deemed “incompetent to stand trial”. The first time they did this, he spent 10 months in Jail while “The (Pedophile) Club went on the attack against his potential witnesses, which he was forced to listen to the entire time he was locked up. The Sheriff’s Department that housed him in jail also contributed to the harassments as Sheriff Don Barnes himself had him locked up in the psych ward for sending him a letter detailing the situation. Derrion was told by the Sheriff Department’s doctor that he had psychosis because he never owned a business. They also put a not in his pants pocket that read “freedom from stalking and covert harass”, which Derrion has been experiencing at the organizational hands of the Neu Klux Klan. 

Upon being arrested by Westminster PD, Derrion’s Laptop and 2 android phones were taken and not transferred to the jail with him. The property log stated that Derrion had been in possession of “1 black bag” and 1 “white iphone”, which was not the truth. With this laptop having evidence on it of this attack that he doesn’t have on any other electronics, he’s tried to get his property back as it’s not being used for evidence, but Westminster PD refuses to allow him to have it and the public defender’s office refuses to request it.

With these electronics in Westminster PD’s possession, Derrion was kicked out of the Instagram account for Ballaxy’s Digitals “Online Platformz” and the website was hacked to resemble an Asian Sex Trafficking directory. Also with this being the only way to access his google domains account, he was stripped of all of his premium domain names after the actual sites were hacked and taken down. 

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These electronics were also the only way Derrion had access to his facebook account which was taken deactivated and reactivated multiple times. It also had the majority of his personal photos, including photos with friends, photos of his teams from his many seasons of volunteering at the Fountain Valley Recreation Center, and even from his days collecting shoes. They deleted photos that proved he knew some of the kids that have been targeted and that he had a life before this situation started, so that the narrative of this situation would be easier to control. This is something that Neuralink told Derrion they were going to do and they’ve delivered these threats. 


Westminster PD Officer Jason Stouffer amongst others played a huge role in Derrion Gibson’s enslavement by the Ku Klux Klan as well as Neu Klux Klan after Elon Musk took over. Officer Stouffer helped funnel Ballaxy Club members into and protecting the Child Sex Trafficking Ring, which is protocol for sex trafficking rings which the Ku Klux Klan build to cover up robberies, similar to “Operation Trade Secrets” which us arrogantly titled just as “Operation Midnight Climax” which is documented to detail the corrupt actions of Klan Operatives. 

Officer Stouffer himself went around from school to school telling them not to allow Derrion on school campuses to first spread a negative influence to stop the growth of Ballaxy, so he could be robbed of it. 

Derrion was told by a La Quinta High School Principal that he wasn’t allowed on campus after going to the school to provide evidence of one of the kids being molested by then Westminster City Councilmen and Tai Do, who was also a part of this Klan Militia. Derrion tried to get help from the police department, but with them having officers involved, this request was ignored. It was rubbed in Derrion’s face that Richard Phan, the kid asking for help was killed for not wanting to be in a sexual relationship with Tai Do as he (and Viggo Nguyen) was order to by the Klan Operative Secret Service Agent who awarded him to Tai Do for helping prevent the launch of Ballaxy and it’s services.

Here’s a conversation with Officer Stouffer, who confiscated the Snapchat accounts of kids who were followers of Derrion, in addition to Officer Stouffer confirming that he’s working for Elon Musk to help study Derrion’s brain, he admit to knowing Derrion’s whereabouts at the Starbucks on Brookhurst, referred to Derrion as a “Nigger” on multiple occasions, then he threatened to punish Derrion for speaking on the matter and warning his snapchat following to look out for traps that are being set for the Asian community. His threat to Derrion is in line with the same concentration methods of sexually abusing victims into submission, which is used throughout the sex trafficking industry in other Ku Klux Klan Invisible Empire (“CIA”) Projects, such as “Operation Midnight Climax”. These same methods are currently being used throughout the Child Sex Trafficking Ring that they’re growing in the City of Westminster and surrounding cities targeting the Asian Community, which Officer Stouffer recruits for and protects as a School Resources Officer.

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Upon face to face interaction between Derrion GIbson and Officer Stouffer, the officer said, “we’re going to take you out” and to “stay away from kids”. This is illegal under caselaw Miranda v. Arizona, which states “Where rights secured by the constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them”. This includes the 13th amendment that says I don’t have to be a slave and the 1st amendment of “Freedom of assembly” which has been denied as Officer Stouffer and others invade Derrion’s Ballaxy Club over and over again to prevent it from existing. The problem is, when working with the Ku Klux “Konstitution”, the belief is that the government own the people over the US Constitution’s teachings that the people own the government. According to The US Department of Justice Klan Militias like the Military of Westminster have a “hatred and distrust of government” and according to former US Circuit Judge John Minor Wisdom “the klan exploits the forces of hate, prejudice, and ignorance”.

Together these traits are disasters for victims of their attacks and hopefully, closing the case on this situation will end this, what’s been referred to by President Biden as “most dangerous terrorist threat to America“: White Supremacy.

Outside of Orange County they’re known for being racist and with this Klan invasion, they’re living up to it. According to Neuralink,  “white supremacy reigns tall in Orange County”, stating that this is why it’s been soo easy for them to invade the entire Criminal Justice System to get them to help out. Derrion is currently battling for his freedom as the courts are in line to have his bail restricted and have him locked back up for being “incompetent”, despite his advanced knowledge of criminality and the laws that govern it. If Derrion is locked up again, Neuarlink plan on increasing the volume of abuse on the kids and  throughout the Asian community while rubbing it in his face from his jail cell like they did the first time.

Law Enforcement who are not involved with this “New Illuminati” can do their own investigation using our resources page that has been built for them before Elon Musk has all of the cell phone providers, Instagram, snapchat, and Facebook invaded and deletes the evidence, which is currently in the works. Click Here to check out the leads. Know that if someone provides you with evidence, it’s a trap. Neuralink has everything set up, so they can control who sees what and they’ll know where you are and can have you set up when you figure out the truth.

Check our @BallaxyIG on Instagram and Twitter for more details and updates.

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